Kolpona Patro overcame physical disability to accomplish life goals

Sree Kolpona Patro is one of the eight siblings constituting one brother and seven sisters, who grew up in rural Thakurer Mathi village under Jaintapur Upazila in the Sylhet district. Kolpona’s family was terribly hit by poverty. The story of Kolpona stands out from any of her friends as she is suffering from limping since her childhood. She was considered a burden in her family. Moreover, acquiring education is considered sinful in her community. She had to face objections and repressive challenges from family and outsiders. Despite several setbacks, Kolpona was determined on her goals. She remained steadfast on her studies. In December 2017, she got enrolled in UCEP Hafiz Mazumder Sylhet Technical School at Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM) Trade. With thorough dedication, Kolpona completed her training on skills development with remarkable result. After graduation in 2018, Kolpona got a job at PRAN-RFL Group with an initial monthly salary of BDT 6,500.00. Within a year, Kolpona got promoted for her outstanding performance. Currently she draws a monthly salary of BDT 18,000.00. She is content to carry out all her expenses and to contribute to her family. She is now widely recognized as the cornerstone of her society. Kolpona wants to contribute to the deprived society. Kolpona says, “There are hundreds of females in our society who grow up doing nothing due to the anxiety created by the repressive society. I want to fight for the rights of women and want to assure that through education, everyone can mark their rights and play a key role in society.” This surely is not the ceiling for Kolpona to halt, but the “Takeoff” platform to launch herself higher.

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